Phrasal Verb Dictionary

What is a phrasal verb? Many students seem scared of them. Don't be, if you have any doubts simply check out our phrasal verb dictionary below, definitions are on the right and if you have any doubts simply click the link to see a video example.

Phrasal Verb Dictionary



Burst Out [laughing] - To suddenly, surprisingly or violently start doing something

Break Down  - To become broken, for example a car breaks down and won´t work.

Break Up - To stop being in a relationship with someone


Call back - To return a call

Chat up - To talk to some flirtatiously.

Cut down [smoking] - to reduce something usually something bad for you such as cigarettes or alcohol.


Give up - To stop doing something i.e. give up smoking


Knock down - To destroy a building


Leave behind - To forget or abandon something.


Slow down - to reduce speed


Turn up - To make something , usually, louder i.e. ´turn up the TV.´

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