Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dear Carmen,

I am extremely happy to give David a reference, having worked as his Line Manager for the past two summers: first in his capacity as a teacher and then as a Course Director/Teaching Coordinator for our summer course for 14 – 17 year olds for international students.

In 2010, David exceeded all expectations as a teacher and provided the students with varied and interesting classes, adapting his teaching methods to take in to account student needs and learning styles. David also assisted other teachers in planning their classes and developing their teaching skills. Additionally, David demonstrated that he was a team player and excelled in building relationships with staff in order to provide the best possible environment for the students and assisted with welfare issues. After managing David in his role as a teacher, I personally recommended David to be promoted to Course Director the following year and this suggestion was very much welcomed by my colleagues as he had gained a reputation among staff in multiple summer schools for his excellent work.

In his next role as Course Director/Teaching Coordinator, David proved himself to be an excellent leader and innovator, overcoming staff and student behavioural issues with the utmost professionalism and discretion. David understands the educational and emotional needs of students studying a foreign language and is able to guide and manage his staff with ease. In this multi-faceted role, David once again outdid himself by adapting procedures and implementing working methods which were efficient and beneficial to students and staff alike. He also provided the school with useful feedback which we have used to plan our course this year.

We have offered David the temporary position of Course Director for one of our largest summer centres this year with students as young as 11 years old, as we know him to be an adaptable and efficient leader, capable of thinking on his feet and ensuring the wellbeing and satisfaction of staff and students alike.

If you would like me to answer any further questions about David, I would be very happy to give you more information. I believe that he would be a huge asset to your team as a Director of Studies.

Kind regards,


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