Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Notes for the exam.

If you wanted to know a bit more about how the FCE exam works here are some notes that I've been given.

Below or all the notes in detail but here are some of the things that occurred to me. 

Basically you can't leave early! i.e. it's like this. The invigilators have sealed the bridge.  http://youtu.be/Spk7MpSpkJ0

Bring ID and leave it on your table.

Bring a pencil. Paula.

Pen for the writing exam only.

We have to check what you do in the toilet cubicle! Blimey.

Notes for Invigilators        Hotel  Silken Al- Andalus.
FCE  SAT 9 JUNE 2012

09.00 – 10.00       Reading
10.15 – 11.35       Writing
11.50 – 12.35       Use of English
12.50 – 13.30       Listening



General Information

  • Invigilators will be assigned a group of about 25 candidates. As usual, you must patrol your own zone of the exam room throughout the exam. It is essential that you (a) familiarize yourself with these candidates, (b) give out and collect in in your own ‘zone’ – you are responsible for those particular candidates (and for ensuring that nothing ‘irregular’ happens in your zone).

  • After the initial checking of Ids, candidates will leave their ID cards on their tables throughout the exam to enable us to check identification at any time during the 4 papers. It will be one of the duties of the invigilators at the beginning of each paper to (informally) check the IDs of the candidates in their zones.

Staff timetable and notes

Chairs checked and numbered

07.30          Supervisor(s) pencils/rubbers
08.00          Quick meeting - supervisor/invigilators
08.30          Admin staff begins to check candidate Ids. Antonio/ Pepe organises queues. Candidates enter exam room. Invigilators guide candidates to seats, and deal with problems with, bags etc. (nothing on the table, only pen/pencil, rubber and exam papers). Mobile phones must be switched off and left in closed bags or closed envelopes – candidates have all been requested not to bring mobile phones to the exam))

08.55          Once all candidates seated, Supervisor reads out instructions (general and reading exam) while invigilators give out reading question papers to their ‘zones’
08.55+       Supervisor will tell candidates to write name correctly if their name on the answer sheet is not correct.

09.00          READING Exam starts (1 hour). Exam start and finish times written up. Invigilators circulate in their zones – mentally noting empty seats and becoming familiar with the faces of ‘their’ candidates. Candidates not allowed to leave the room within the first 40 minutes or the final 10 minutes.
                    Invigilators remind candidates about transferring answers within the time limit (Last 10 minutes). Please check that candidates have signed the answer sheet. ALL IN PENCIL

10.00          Invigilators collect first the answer sheets in numerical order from their zones (including absentees), and then the question paper. Candidates leave. Scripts to Supervisor.

10.15          WRITING EXAM (1h 20 min):
Candidates in. Invigilators give out pens. Invigilators give out writing question booklets to their zones. Supervisor reads out instructions. Pen, not pencil (spares available). Candidates must write name, Centre number (ES040) an individual candidate number on the question paper. Start and finish times on boards. Invigilators check for new absences or any other changes in their zones. Candidates not to leave before one hour or in last 10 mins. Please check that candidates have written the question they have chosen in part 2 in the box provided. Any rough work must be crossed out and collected.

11.35          Invigilators collect writing question booklets in numerical order from their zones .Candidates out. Scripts to Supervisor. Invigilators then give out Use of English answer sheets to their zones.

11.50 USE OF ENGLISH EXAM: (45 min)
Candidates in. Supervisor – instructions. Invigilators give out question papers to their zones. Start and finish times on boards. Candidates not to leave within the first 25 min or last 10 min. ALL IN PENCIL.

For questions 13-42 candidates must write the answers in capital letters.

For questions 13-34, candidates write ONE letter in each box.

          Remind candidates they must transfer their answers on to the separate answer sheet within the time limit (last 10 minutes)

12.35          END OF THE USE OF ENGLISH EXAM, Invigilators collect first the answer sheets in numerical order from their zones (including absentees), and then the question paper. Candidates leave the room. Invigilators then give out Listening and CIS answer sheets to their zones.

12.50           LISTENING + CIS (40 min + CiS)

Candidates in. Supervisor – instructions. Invigilators give out question papers to their zones. All instructions are given with the CD, so please try not to disturb candidates, again ALL in PENCIL. Please check that your candidates have marked the test version on the answer sheet. 

13.30. End of the listening test. Invigilators collect first the answer sheets in numerical order from their zones (including absentees), and then the question paper. Candidates answer to the questions on the CIS paper. Invigilators collect CIS. Scripts to Supervisor.

Supervisor must give time checks and reminders of instructions, mark and sign 
attendance registers for each paper, deal with absent candidates’ answer sheets

1.  Candidates leaving early (when allowed) must raise their hands to call an
     invigilator, who will check that they have fulfilled all the requirements for that paper
     and then remind the candidate of the starting time for the next paper. In
     Writing exam check any rough work is clearly crossed out– collect this if it is on
     separate paper. Make sure the candidate does not interfere with or disturb any other
     candidate while leaving the room. Candidates will only be readmitted for the next
2.     Pens, pencils, tippex, etc.
Pens ONLY for the writing exam, pencils for ALL answer sheets.
     Tippex definitely not on answer sheets
Dictionaries, spell-checkers, bags, food, phones..etc.

3.  Late arrival candidates – inform supervisor

4.  Candidates who need to go the toilets should be supervised (almost) all the time.
     This includes a ‘before and after’ check of cubicles. Inform supervisor first

5.  Candidates questions. If candidates ask questions about the exam you must only
     draw their attention to the relevant rubric. . Explain (nicely) that you are not permitted
     to say more. DO NOT TRANSLATE.


  1. Thank you for the pencil, but, do we have to be there at 7.30? that's so early. Paula.

  2. Paula! Great to see you using the blog. Perhaps now you are here you could do some hwks: simply click the homework label and do everything!

    No you do not have to be there at 7:30! Only the supervisor does. These are notes for me because I am going to the exam to make sure people don't cheat!

    I just thought it would be interesting for you to see what they tell us. If you go to the toilet, someone checks the toilet before and afterwards to make sure you don't have any cheat notes in there (chuletas aren't they in Spanish).

    The exam starts at 9:00. I reccommend getting there some time between 8:30 and 8:45. It'd probably be a good idea to go with one of your classmates too.

    See you later.
