Friday, June 8, 2012

Jose writings

From: Jose

It’s nice to hear from you. All I can say is that I’d love to be painted, especially if you do it. As you have asked me, I’d like to be painted in my grandparent’s countryside, just because there I can get relaxed (and I hope you too) and I could forget about the nerves of being shy. It is a lovely place, quiet and peaceful, with hundreds of pines. I’m sure you’ll love it!
Also, I’d like to be painted with my black rabbit Lissy. I know it’s an animal and not an object, but I love that old-black-rabbit, and ¿he/it? might die this year, so I’d like to have a picture with ¿him/it?. With him-it the picture will be even more perfect.
So, what I want to ask you is how we can go to my grandparent’s countryside and what day would you like to do that.
Please, write me back the sooner the better.
Thank you for considering me an inspiration to you.

TEST 2 FROM THE RED BOOK (pg. 37, number 4)

ADELE – 21

Adele is a twenty-four-year English singer who has recorded and published two studio albums: “19” and “21”. “21” is breaking all the charts’ records, as it has sold over 20 million copies in an era where downloading without paying is very common.

“21”, as “19” comes from the age of the artist when she composed the album. It is all about her relationship with her boyfriend, and how they broke. The songs are far away from dance music: they are all slow songs, but each one has a different story to tell. There are just a few instruments, no dubstep either vocoder. Just her voice, and a background choir of three girls.

I love “21” by Adele because it is so different from the 21st century main type of music: dance songs which don’t have anything to tell, just talking about dancing and drinking.

Without any doubt, I would recommend “21” because you can get relaxed and emotional just listening to it. Songs like “Rolling in the Deep”, “Set Fire to The Rain” or “Lovesong” will make you love Adele.

First of them: do I have to write the title? I mean, read number 4 of pg. 37. Do I have to write “The Last CD I bought”?
And the second one is what will happen if I write 190-200 words instead of 180?

Can you believe? I’m not nervous at all. I have already done two tests, and without counting the oral part and the writing, I’ve got 66% and 81%. :) :) :) :)
I’ll write u 2morrow!

1 comment:

  1. Jose these are both good. I'm sure you will do great tomorrow.

    In reponse to your questions it's always good to write a title and don't worry about going 20 words over.

    Also rabbit in this context would be him and countryside would be grandparents house in the country.

    Good luck!
