Thursday, May 31, 2012

My name is who. My name is what...relative clauses.

Learn all about relative clauses from our rapper friend Eminem otherwise known as ´Slim Shady´or the 'Real Slim Shady'.

I will post some sentence transformations up here at a later date but for now just look at the presentation and refresh your memory.

And will the best students please stand up....

... and do these sentence transformations:

1. He is famous for becoming one of the first serious white rappers and working with established talent like Dr Dre.


He is famous for becoming _________________ who with Dr. Dre.

2. He is a rapper to whom the people of Detroit listen.


He is a rapper ___________________

3. His is the music which criticised George Bush during the second term elections.


______________________ music criticised Bush during the second term elections.

4. Out of the two rappers Enimen is the one I know least about.


Eminem is the rapper ________________________ about.

5. In fact I´m struggling to come up with anything. So only four sentence transformations for you tonight. You lucky things.

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