Thursday, May 31, 2012

Jose Homework: Informal Letter

The topic was taken from the red book Test 1, Part 1 (page 14) (Yes, I copied Angel, hehe)

Dear Robin
It’s been a long time since I heard from you last time. I would like to thank you for considering me a good person to trust in, especially if we are talking about a sports camp, because I love them. I have been to six sports camps, the last one was held in December, so I maybe have more experience in this topic. Sleeping in a room is not a bad idea, but I think we should sleep in tents, that’s what camps are about, aren’t them? [camps are the subject not the object of this sentence.]

Cooking is not my specialty, but I’ll try to do my best with the “gazpacho”, soap made of tomatoes and oil, or some “espetos”, which are some sardines put together in a stick.
I think I’ll travel to Canada a week before the camp, so I can get used to its weather. I would like to visit Toronto, because I’ve loved all I ever seen and heard about this city.

[errr have you been readin
Anew, thank you for inviting me.g 17th century novels Jose (or I guess you really did see Fernando's tomb, instead of a anew. You should just write 'Thanks for inviting me again. Remember it's an informal letter.]
See you soon,

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